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Saturday, October 18, 2008

16 Weeks

I had been feeling pretty good about my belly until I saw this picture. Until now I could look at the pictures of my belly and it would make be feel better because it looked small. In this picture I saw that there had been obvious growth since last the last picture. I'm trying to keep a good attitude about it and know that the baby is just growing. The doctor keeps reassuring me that since this is my second pregnancy that my belly will get bigger faster. I will just be happy to see the baby on the sonogram and know that everything is on track. Here's the belly pic for week 16.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Powerful little legs

Today I felt the baby really kick for the first time. For the past few weeks I've been feeling little flutters and wasn't sure if I was really feeling the baby kick. There was no doubt about what I felt today. It was definitely strong. I am hoping that Aaron will get the chance soon to feel it.
With Sarah I was almost 20 weeks before I felt anything and it was not as strong as this little one. So I was surprised that at 16 weeks I'm able to feel my little ones powerful little legs.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Unexpected question

I've shared before the funny things that kids have asked since they found out about my pregnancy. So far the questions have been funny and nothing serious, that is until today.
I walk into a 3rd grade class today to teach a guidance lesson. I sit down and am bombarded with kids asking if I really am pregnant and when is the baby coming. So far so good.

Then one of the kids asks a question but I can't hear him. I ask what he said and he said nothing. Then the boy next to him says "He said, How did you make that baby?" Well, needless to say I had no idea that was coming. So all I could think of to answer him back with was "Why don't you ask your parents when you get home." I quickly changed the subject and hoped that no one else had any questions me or the baby.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What a glorious sound....

Today I went for my 4 month check-up. Although it was short and uneventful, which is just the way I like it, I was able to leave with a feeling of peace. When I heard the baby's heartbeat it was like a wave of relief rushed over me. Since I am still in the early stages there is really nothing telling me how the baby is doing. I'm hoping soon I will feel a little kick. I know some pregnant women find it annoying but I love it.
When I was pregnant with Sarah it was my daily, hourly, minute by minute assurance that she was in there and okay. For now, I wait until I feel that little nudge in my belly that will let me know that he or she is okay.
In about a month we get to go back for a sonogram to see if we are having a boy or girl. I am so anxious to know and see how we will get to decorate the nursery.

Friday, October 3, 2008

14 weeks and growing

I am only 3 1/2 months along and my belly already feels really big. Then I look at the pictures and it looks alot smaller that it does when I look at it in the mirror. Supposedly this is normal since I have already had a baby I'm supposed to get bigger faster. I go to the doctor next week and am anxious to see how everything measures and how much weight I've gained.