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Saturday, March 28, 2009

A whole new world

Now that little Evan is here I thought I would change the name of this blog. It will now be a place for me to talk about the joys of motherhood, along with the challenges.
Having two children is definitely much more time consuming and I think it will take a while before we are able to get our routine down. Right now we have no routine and no idea of what each day will bring. For those of you who don't know me very well, I am a planner. I like to know what is going to happen next so that I can be in control. This situation is hard for me because I don't have control over very much.
I hope to be a good mom to both of my children. I can say that this time I am much more relaxed. I feel better equipped to handle alot of the ups and downs of these first few weeks. However, I am relying on alot of prayer. God and I talk constantly these days.

Monday, March 16, 2009

And we're off...maybe

The contractions have officially started! Saturday night I started having contractions and they haven't stopped. Unfortunately, they are very irregular and always stop short of being enough for a hospital visit. I will say that they are real contractions or at least they feel real.
I'm going to try to tough it out as long as I can. I don't want a repeat of what I went through with Sarah where we went to the hospital just to be sent home. It helps that I've been through this before and kind of know what to expect.
I feel almost ready for the baby to come. Sarah still needs a bag packed and the house is a mess. I was hoping to be able to make a trip to the zoo with Sarah sometime this week but we will see if the baby cooperates. Thankfully we had a great day together today so I am grateful for that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Report!

Today was my 37 weeks check up. I was still only 1 centimeter dilated and 80% effaced. I measured 34 weeks so I asked the doctor if he thought the baby was going to be small. He felt around my stomach and then suggested we go for a sonogram to get a better idea.
So I am totally excited because I haven't seen the baby since I was five months pregnant. The sonogram tech gets all of his measurements and tells us that the baby is actually measuring right on target for my due date. The reason the doctor's measurements were off was because the baby is already head down and very low. So I'm basically carrying his legs, bottom and belly in my stomach. The rest is already shoved down in my pelvic area which the doctor wouldn't have been able to measure.
I am feeling so great now that I know he is okay. Then she goes on to tell us that his estimated weight is 6 lbs. 15 oz. Wow! Sarah was 6lbs. 4 oz. so I am expecting him to be a good size. Finally she reassures us that the baby is definitely a boy and proceeds to show us. Thank goodness!
Overall, the appointment was totally awesome! In a few weeks we will be meeting our little boy. Now we just play the waiting game!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pregnancy Perks

Okay so being pregnant definitely is not always fun but it does have its perks. Here are a few that I have been enjoying lately:
1. People encouraging me to eat anything I want and as much as I want.
2. Special treatment at home, work and at stores
3. Offers from people to carry things for me or help me with things
4. Not having to feel guilty about eating a hot fudge sundae after dinner
5. Being able to take it easy without anyone thinking I am lazy

I am trying to soak up these last moments of pregnancy since it will be my last time. It's nice to focus on these things because it diverts my attention from the discomfort of these last few weeks.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

36 Weeks

Today's doctor visit went very well. The doctor said one more week of medicine and taking it easy then I can go back to normal. I was very excited to hear that I am dialated to a 1. The reason that is exciting news is because it took me a long time to get to that point when I was pregnant with Sarah.
It will be interesting to see how long this little one decides to stay put after I stop the medicine. My money is that he will follow pretty closely in his sister's footsteps and come close to his due date.