Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 26, 2009

Time for

On Saturday I started having contractions so we headed to the hospital. I wasn't too worried because this had happened with Sarah and they were able to stop the contractions. Unfortunately, that was not the case this time. We ended up having to stay in the hospital until yesterday.
I am now on bed rest until next Wednesday and then the doctor will see how everything looks. So far the medicine they gave me has been working to keep the contractions from coming back so that is a blessing. I am hoping this little one will stay in for about 6-8 more weeks so that will give him a better chance of being born without any complications. I'll update more on how things are going once I get more info from the doctor.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

30 week check up

I went in for my 30 week check up and thought everything was going really well. That was until the nurse came in with my glucose test results. Unfortunately, my levels were elevated which means I have to go in for a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. So during this time I get to drink the yummy sugar filled drink and then have my blood drawn 4 times.
I know what you're thinking....that sounds like fun! I'll let you know after I am done.
Other than that bit of discouraging news, the rest of my check up went well. His heartbeat was nice and strong. He said my measurements were looking good. Hopefully, the next time I write I will have good news about passing my glucose test.

Friday, January 9, 2009

28 Weeks

This week I went in for my 7 month check up and glucose test. Drinking the glucose drink was not a big deal for me because I kind of like the fruit punch flavor. However, it was not being able to eat that morning that really had an impact on me. I survived!
The doctor said everything looks and sounds good. I only gained one pound since the last appointment so he was pleased with that also. Now I get to start going every two weeks and I'm hoping to get another sonogram soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A work in progress...

The baby's room is painted, the crib put together, and the changing table in place. However the room is FAR from finished so keep that in mind when you look at the picture. We are going to leave some of Aaron's hunting pictures up because it just looks really neat. Then when we finally decide on a name for this precious baby I will put that above his crib. Other than that I will probably find things here and there to add as I did with Sarah's room. My hope is that it will look a little more put together in a few weeks.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Baby's Room

I finally felt good enough yesterday to get into the office/new baby's room and finish cleaning it out. I started a little after 11:00 in the morning and didn't stop until about 6:30. The room is officially ready to be painted and I even went to buy the paint this morning. I also rearranged Sarah's room to accomodate her new play kitchen and other fun toys she got for Christmas. Unfortunately she needs a room about double the size she has now. So her room looks a little challenged for space but she loves having her kitchen in her room.
The baby's room should be put together by the end of the weekend, I hope. Aaron and my mom have volunteered to paint it. After that we just have to put up the crib with the bedding and arrange the rest of the furniture. I will post the pictures when we finish. I hope it looks as good as I have it planned out in my head.
Right now I am in bed about to take a nap because I think I overdid it yesterday. Sometimes I refuse to let the fact that I'm pregnant stop me from doing things or lifting things I shouldn't. So today I am paying for that. I just have this need to be as ready as possible for this precious little baby boy. I was the same way with Sarah.