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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Belly Pics

Okay, so when I was pregnant with Sarah I refused to have my belly photographed. In fact I think the only pictures of my belly are ones that were taken at my showers. That was a very different pregnancy because there was so much I didn't know. To be blatanly honest I had an overwhelming fear of gaining weight that would not come off after she was born. Thankfully though it did come off:)

So now I am kicking myself for not taking pictures because I don't have anything to compare my belly to now. This time I am taking pictures. So far I only have two pics. I am hoping to take new ones every few weeks. Even though I have no pictures to make a comparison to, I do know that I am much bigger at this stage than I was with Sarah. Of course, I keep hearing that is pretty common.

10 Weeks

12 Weeks

1 comment:

Anjolee said...

You have a very cute baby belly. I'm glad you are showing it off. This time I felt like I was showing too fast and I tried to hide it and now I regret that. I have some making up to do with getting clothes that SHOW and not HIDE.