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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One mad mommy

Today I had to buy milk because we were running really low and probably wouldn't have enough for what I wanted to make for dinner. I have always bought my milk at Braums because it tastes the best and it doesn't have anything harmful in it. However, today I am seriously considering never buying milk there again.
I had heard from other moms I know that if you need milk from Braums and you have your kids with you, that they will let you purchase it through the drive thru. So I drive there in a pretty good mood. I had just gone to Chick-fil-A to get my free chicken strips (teacher appreciation day, I love Chick-fil-A) and getting milk was going to be my last stop.
I get to the drive thru and place my order for 2 gallons of milk. The girl then tells me that they do not allow people to purchase milk at the drive thru. I then proceed to tell her that I have my two young children in the car, one of which is only 7 weeks old. She then tells me that it is a company policy to not allow the purchase of milk at the drive thru. At this point I am getting mad. I let her know that the Braums in Fossil Creek allows it and then I turn my car around.
I momentarily consider just going home without the milk. Then I realize that we really need it and I DO NOT want to go to the grocery store.
I pull in the parking lot and unload both kids. Sarah has to hold my keys and wallet because I realize that my pants don't have pockets and I need both hands to hang on to both kids. We go inside and I put my milk on the counter. Then I see the girl at the drive thru and give her a dirty look. I know that isn't the most mature thing to do but like I said I was mad. While I'm paying I start to ponder how I am going to get the milk to the car if both of my hands are occupied by children. Thankfully, the wonderful cashier didn't even hesitate or ask but just picked up my bag and started toward the door. I was so grateful for her at that moment!
I know that this is not that big of a deal but it did put a damper on my day. I don't expect alot of special treatment because I have children. However, I don't think it's too much to ask for a store to help parents out every now and then. Once I got home, after we ate lunch I logged onto their website and made the first complaint I have ever made in my life. I hope they listen but know it probably won't make a difference.
Today's lesson:
Life is full of challenges, deal with them and get over it.


Anjolee said...

Oh man, I was getting mad for you just reading that. That's what I call "a pisser!" I am glad that one girl helped you and glad you submitted a formal complaint. Go you!

Amanda, Aaron and Sarah said...

Thanks! I did feel that I may have overreacted a little but now I feel a bit more justified in my feelings:)